Activity 3- The Raid on Deerfield, 1704

In the winter of 1704, the history of Deerfield Massachusetts changed forever. The Indians and their French allies were very angry at the English settlers for taking their land. Because they were so angry, they snuck into Deerfield and attacked the village. They set fires to houses, killed many people, and captured prisoners. They forced these prisoners to make a journey back to Canada in the dead of winter. Many people who were captured did not have warm enough clothing, and had to walk hundreds of miles without their families, scared and alone.


1. Click on the links below and watch the slideshows about the Raid on Deerfield.

2. After watching the videos, click on the "COMMENTS" section of this blog. Write a two paragraph diary entry from the perspective of a child who was captured during the raid. Make sure to incorporate historical facts that you learned and personal feelings that you may be having. Then, sign your name so that I can give you credit for your work!


  1. Hi, my name is James and I was part of the capture of several Englishmen during the 1700's. I will now tell you my story. It was a peaceful night with the howling wind mocking us as we sat inside next to the fire. My hands were cylinders of frozen flesh, my face was covered in the light from the fire and my frail body was demanding food at once. Honestly, I was happy to be here, we may have been freezing but our hearts guided us here to new lands for the take. The only thing I bewared was the Natives, they would come at night and watch us like wolves while the French attacked at day. Relentless, of course until I had to rest my pounding head on some pelts.

    A few moments later I was grabbed by hands and ushered us out of the cabin and into the snow. Their hands were as bitter as bone and their grip as strong as iron. I was helpless as I was dragged out or the village and into the storm. It's humorous, how time tends to slow as your life is on edge and your senses are a blur. On cue, I passed out as the screams from the village echoed and the burning places crumbled. That was all that I remembered as I was escorted to unknown places. - Cristian Negron

  2. Hello my name is William and i'm was only a young boy when I was in the middle of a attack held by the indians.Around sometime in the 1700s they captured me and I only a little boy I was scared and didn't know who these people were.They looked like the people my father would describe to be bad people whenever he talked.I later remember that my dad was talking about the indians.Not knowing were i was or where i was going to head i then snuck out of the sack they had me in because they didn't tie the sack correctly after they were trying to fight back the english I snuck out.
    I was looking around my cabin in flames as i heard the screams of my fellow people dying.With no time I run into the forrest and immediately stop to see another group of indians heading my way.I remember a path i took with my friends to go the far north and i knew there would be something of english village there.I ran north until I reached the next village which took almost a day and warned the others so everyone started preparing for a attack at any time.
    Signed: Angel Picon
