Activity 4: Compare and Contrast


1. With a partner, decide who is parter A and who is partner B.

2. Parnter A will be researching the Mohawk Indians.

3. Partner B will be researching the Deerfield Settlers.

  • To begin, click on the link below and think about the timeline of events that happened during the raid.

Interactive Venn Diagram: Please fill out with your partner!

Activity 5: Recommended Books

  • The Ransom of Mercy Carter

Read the Review from the link below.

ACTIVTY: Please discuss the premise of the book with a partner. Then, complete the poll to the right of the page. Finally, blog a response with your partner as to why you chose the answer that you did!

Resources for Teacher: MA Standards and Teaching Guidelines

Teachers: Prior to teaching lessons and going on the class field trip, please reference the following lesson plans & background information to prepare.

****Please reference the following Massachuestts Department of Education website for Social Studies Standards associated with this lesson/unit.****

Learning Standard 5.6. "Explain the early relationship between the English settlers to the indigenous peoples in North America..."

Activity 3- The Raid on Deerfield, 1704

In the winter of 1704, the history of Deerfield Massachusetts changed forever. The Indians and their French allies were very angry at the English settlers for taking their land. Because they were so angry, they snuck into Deerfield and attacked the village. They set fires to houses, killed many people, and captured prisoners. They forced these prisoners to make a journey back to Canada in the dead of winter. Many people who were captured did not have warm enough clothing, and had to walk hundreds of miles without their families, scared and alone.


1. Click on the links below and watch the slideshows about the Raid on Deerfield.

2. After watching the videos, click on the "COMMENTS" section of this blog. Write a two paragraph diary entry from the perspective of a child who was captured during the raid. Make sure to incorporate historical facts that you learned and personal feelings that you may be having. Then, sign your name so that I can give you credit for your work!

Activity 1- Welcome to Deerfield!

Over the past few weeks, you have been studying about life in Colonial America. In Social Studies, you have learned about typical life in the 1600's and 1700's in New England. Soon, you will be taking a field trip to Deerfield, Massachusetts to learn even more about this important time in history.

Activity 1:

1. Click on the YouTube link to the right and watch the clip.

2. While you are watching the video, record 3 main ideas on a notecard to be handed in.

Activity 2: What happened in Deerfield?

Deerfield, Masachusetts was like many other colonial villages. Before European settlers arrived there, it was inhabited by the Pocumtuck Indian Tribe. In 1673, the first colonists arrived and Deerfield was incorporated in 1677. The native people living there, however, did not give up their land easily. For many years, there was tension between the Native Americans and the white English settlers who had taken the land as their own.
The Pocumtuck tribe soon became allies with the French people, who lived in Canada.
Activity 2
1. Click on the link below and go to the Deerfield Website.
2. Watch the video clip.
3. Now, click on the interactive map and plot a route that you would like to take through Deerfield when we visit.